Fighting the Signs of Aging

 In Healthy Lifestyle

One of the biggest worries for a lady, especially one who’s nearing her forties, are the signs of aging. Wrinkles, fine lines and saggy skin are nothing short of a nightmare. Many doctors now consider aging as a disease and many scientists are looking for ways to treat this disease and perhaps reverse the effects of aging. Their results may be a long ways away so for now, what you can do is to eat healthily so your body will respond to the changes brought about by aging rather positively. If we consume food and drinks that are filled with antioxidants, healthy fats, water and other important nutrients, our skin will become lighter, more moisturized and thus aging will be kept off at bay.

So the secret to this is just fruits and veggies, we all know this. But which foods do we prioritize exactly, let’s read below and find out.

Red Bell Peppers

Red bell peppers are packed with antioxidants called carotenoids and this is very effective against aging. Moreover, each bell pepper is loaded with vitamin c which is a good way to produce collagen. All in all, this makes the bell pepper and absolute powerhouse when it comes to antioxidant production. You would do well if you consume this daily along with other healthy foods and beauty regiments.


This is a vegetable easily taken for granted but the truth is it is one of the secret to combating aging. These green marvels have lutein for your eyes, folate for your cells, calcium for your bones plus vitamins K and C. All these are important for your internal well-being because it’s important to not only look the part but to feel like it. These nutrients envigorate the body and make you feel as if you are ten years younger.


These are the real bombs that wipe out the bad things brought about by aging. Don’t underestimate them for their size because these little berries are rich in vitamins A and C which are perfect for the eyesight and immunity. But their real secret lies in their blue color. You see, the thing that puts the blue in blueberry is an antioxidant called anthocyanin. So that means the deeper the blue is, the better the berry is for fighting against the signs of aging.


Nuts are a great source of vitamin E, which is great for repairing the skin tissue. This vitamin is especially high in almond nuts so put those nuts in your list. Moreover, Vitamin E helps in skin hydration as well as helping from the harmful UV rays that affect the skin. This means that nuts cannot only prevent aging but it can stave off more threatening illnesses on the skin like skin cancer.


Grapes are the go-to when it comes to consuming antioxidants. When pressed into wine, the extracts make a wonderful way to enjoy yourself while combating the signs of aging. The good news is we incorporated the benefits of wine into our products and services here at the spa in our Vine Therapy sessions. Come and visit us in downtown Naples, Florida to experience it yourself.

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