About this treatment
Happy Feet Massage (Foot Reflexology) Promotes complete relaxation
When most people think of foot massages, they think of a pedicure. However, pedicures tend to focus on the feet alone, and depending on who does the treatment for you, you will either feel a relief on your feet, or not. Furthermore, most people who perform pedicures are not trained or licensed in massage therapy but if you are looking for a professional massage experience that is far more luxurious and is also beneficial for your body as a whole, then you will want to try our Happy Feet Massage treatment.
To perform your foot reflexology treatment, we would organic unscented massage products depending on your choice and preference. In addition to your massage, therapist’s effort is to apply a right pressure on accupressure points of your feet to increase the benefits of this powerful relaxing treatment. Your feet will be also massaged, in an effort to release the tension and pain caused by walking, stress and injury. For a great experience, we have also added a refreshing foot soak for your optimal relaxation and rejuvenation needs. Feel free to combine our foot reflexology massage with an additional 20 minutes of a neck and shoulder massage for the ultimate relaxation experience.